Crocus hocus pocus
There is some famous poem about the crocus, but in my Google search to find it, my internal voice kept chanting “fungus among us,” and I know that’s not it!
Love finding crocus under the snow, its white or purple blooms a spring surprise. In these cold climes, I’ll take any sign of spring!
Thoughts turn toward the yard at this point in the year, and for a few short weeks, anything seems possible. Maybe we’ll have a new area or two with interesting plants and new colors. Maybe this year, I’ll keep up with the garden! Anything seems possible as April bursts forth with new life and wet feet!
It’s really too soon in Wisconsin to plant anything, but we eagerly wait for the danger of frost to pass, gathering our seeds and straightening our trowels.
And here to cheer us on is the lovely, persistent and delicate yet hardy, crocus. Happy Easter!