"Vacation Getaway?"

Vacation getaway?We dubbed this eternally persistent driveway puddle “Lake Krentz” last year. It’s prominently located, and varies in depth depending on the rainfall.Yes, we could fill it in with gravel, and we probably – eventually – will.But for n…

Vacation getaway?

We dubbed this eternally persistent driveway puddle “Lake Krentz” last year. It’s prominently located, and varies in depth depending on the rainfall.

Yes, we could fill it in with gravel, and we probably – eventually – will.

But for now, it provides so much entertainment for us. The kids splashed in it for years, properly muddying up their rain boots and clothing. Plus, it’s a popular spot during spring and summer for all sorts of song birds. They fly in for a quick afternoon getaway, splashing and playing in its waters, preening their feathers on its banks, and thumbing their beaks (if they had thumbs) at the overly confident cats who prowl in the hostas, waiting for their chance to pounce. And when the day is done, they can easily nest in one of the many nearby tree condos.

It’s also a popular spot for area photographers, who capture its moods and reflections in all kinds of weather.

I can’t find a more intriguing place looking out my back door. Part of me will be sad when the inevitable avalanche lands. But my white car will, no doubt, rejoice at a thinner coating of mud.